 | |
1829 - 1924 |
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Birth |
16 Apr 1829 |
Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom [5] |
Christened |
25 May 1829 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Over Darwen,Lancashire,England, United Kingdom [5] |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
8 Aug 1924 |
North Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States [2] |
Buried |
10 Aug 1924 |
Salt Lake City Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States [6] |
Person ID |
I3 |
Jacob Strong and Sarah Hill |
Last Modified |
09 Oct 2015 |
Mother |
Jane Fish, b. 20 Jan 1806, Cornboro Fold, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom , d. 14 Jan 1881, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom |
Photos |
 | Alices's children by William Walsh and Jacob Strong. Left to right
1. Lucinda Strong Campbell (Oldest child by Jacob Strong) (My Grandmother)
2. Alice Walsh Strong
3. Sarah Walsh (Alice's daughter by William Walsh)
4. John Walsh (Alice's son by William Walsh)
Family ID |
F6 |
Group Sheet |
Family 1 |
Jacob Strong, b. 9 Oct 1799, Yorktown,York,Pennsylvania,USA , d. 18 Feb 1872, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah, United States |
Married |
5 Mar 1857 |
Endowment House,Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah, United States [7, 8] |
Notes |
- SEALING TO HUSBAND: Jacob Strong stood as proxy while Alice was sealed to her first husband, William Walsh. Jacob and Alice were then sealed for time only on 5 March 1857.
Children |
| 1. Lucinda Strong, b. 10 Mar 1859, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah, United States , d. 8 Dec 1932, North Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States  |
| 2. William Jacob Strong, b. 13 Aug 1863, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah, United States , d. 4 Oct 1903, Kaysville, Davis, Utah, United States  |
| 3. Alma Ether Strong, b. 19 Jan 1869, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah, United States , d. 8 Jan 1929, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States  |
Histories |
 | Jacob Strong and His Wives Sarah Hill and Alice Walsh This biography was researched and written by Jacob and Sarah's third great grandson, Lewis W. Strong |
Family ID |
F2 |
Group Sheet |
Family 2 |
William Walsh, b. 10 Oct 1825, Accrington, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom , d. Abt Nov 1856, Near Devil's Gate, Sweetwater,Wyoming,United States |
Married |
15 Jul 1850 |
Blackburn, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom [9, 10] |
Notes |
- NAME: According to Endowment House records, Alice was sealed to William Walsh as "Alice Fish." According to Jay Strong, Somerset House marriage records in England show that Alice was married to William Walsh under the name "Alice Fish."
MARRIAGE: John Pilkington and Thomas Livesay are listed as witnesses to the marriage. [11]
Children |
| 1. Robert Walsh, b. 6 Jun 1851, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom , d. 13 Sep 1856, On the plains, near Wood River, Hall, Nebraska, United States  |
| 2. John Walsh, b. 22 Aug 1852, Hall Moss, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom , d. 12 Dec 1927, Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States  |
| 3. Sarah Walsh, b. 19 Nov 1855, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom , d. 5 Aug 1947, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States  |
Photos |
 | Jacob and Sarah Hill Strong Jacob and Sarah were married in Strongstown, Indiana County, PA where they joined the Mormon church. They moved to Nauvoo in 1840. In 1846 they emigrated west with the Mormon pioneers in the Silas Richards Company to Salt Lake. |
 | Brush Valley church on site of Lutheran Church Now called the Brush Valley church built on the site of the Lutheran church attended by the Strong family. South of the church is the Cememtery. |
 | Jacob and Sarah Strong with Sarah Elizabeth Mower Jacob Strong, Sarah Hill Strong and their grand daughter Sarah Elizabeth Mower. |
Documents |
 | Map of Pennsylvania (smaller version) Indiana and York counties are highlighted. Strongstown is located in Indiana County. |
 | Map of Indiana County, PA Shows Pine and Brush Valley Townships. Strongstown is located in Pine Township |
Histories |
Erastus Snow's Mission Erastus Snow was the missionary who baptized Jacob and Sarah Strong into the LDS church. |
Jacob and Sarah Strong. Taken from notes of a stepson, John Walsh, as assembled by Erma Strong Turner |
Jacob Strong & Family as told by James T. Strong The history of Jacob Strong & Family as told by James T. Strong at the Strong Family Reunion in 1902. |
Alice Fish Bury Walsh "Out There On the Plains" The story of Alice Fish Bury Walsh Strong and her family by Robert A Egbert. 8 pages. |
Family ID |
F5 |
Group Sheet |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 16 Apr 1829 - Over Darwen, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom |
 | Christened - 25 May 1829 - Wesleyan Methodist Church, Over Darwen,Lancashire,England, United Kingdom |
 | Married - 15 Jul 1850 - Blackburn, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom |
 | Died - 8 Aug 1924 - North Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States |
 | Buried - 10 Aug 1924 - Salt Lake City Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Photos |
 | Alice Fish Walsh Strong Married Jacob Strong as a second wife in 1857 after losing her first husband, William Walsh, and her 5-year-old son, Robert, while crossing the plains in the Martin handcart company. |
 | Home of Alice Walsh prior to leaving England and coming to America. This picture is taken at Darwen Near Blackburn England. |
 | The old home of Michael Fish, Alice's cousin. This picture is taken at Darwen near Blackburn England. John Walsh sent this to his mother (Alice Walsh Strong) when he was on a mission to England in 1924. |
 | Worship Place of Alice and family This is a picture of the LDS place of worship 1848, Darwin, England Picture was taken in 1924. This is where Alice and family would have worshipped. |
 | Alices's children by William Walsh and Jacob Strong. Left to right
1. Lucinda Strong Campbell (Oldest child by Jacob Strong) (My Grandmother)
2. Alice Walsh Strong
3. Sarah Walsh (Alice's daughter by William Walsh)
4. John Walsh (Alice's son by William Walsh)
| Alice Fish's Story as dictated to her daughter, Lucinda Strong who wrote it by hand. |
Documents |
 | Mrs. Alice Walsh Strong "Pioneer of the Week" Article that appeared in the Ogden Standard Examiner. |
 | Alice Fish Bury Walsh Strong's death certificate.
Headstones |
 | Alice Fish Walsh Strong Status: Located. Alice Fish Walsh Strong's epitaph is written on the back of Jacob and Sarah Strong's headstone. She was a Martin company handcart survivor who became a second wife to Jacob Strong. |
 | Alice Walsh Strong's headstone Status: Located. Alice was the second wife of Jacob Strong |
 | Alice Fish Walsh Strong Status: Located. Second wife to Jacob Strong |
Histories |
| Alice Fish Walsh -
by Arlie Campbell The life of Alice Fish Walsh as told by her grandson, Arlie Campbell, in the Jacob Strong Family reunion August 19, 1978 at the home of Elmer Strong. |
| Alice Fish Walsh Strong - by Lucinda S. Campbell Alice Fish Walsh Strong married Jacob Strong as a second wife in 1857 after losing her first husband, William Walsh, and her 5-year-old son, Robert, while crossing the plains in the Martin handcart company. |
| Alice Walsh - Autobiography Autobiographical sketch found in the Josiah Rogerson Papers (ca.1895-1914), fd 2 |
| Alice Walsh tribute published in the Church News, Dec 30, 2006 "This I Have Done for Him" With these words, handcart pioneer Alice Walsh described some
of the sacrifices she made to gather to Zion.
Alice Fish Walsh Strong was the second wife of Jacob Strong
| John Walsh Letter Lettter from John Walsh to his mother, Alice, while serving a mission for the LDS church in England in 1924. |
| Alice's handwritten story. Short handwritten autobiography. |
| Alice Walsh Strong Biography by Pam Sula. |
| Alice Fish Bury Walsh "Out There On the Plains" The story of Alice Fish Bury Walsh Strong and her family by Robert A Egbert. 8 pages. |
 | Newspaper Report on the Funeral Services of Alice Walsh Strong Monday Evening Ogden Standard-?Examiner dated August 11, 1924. |
 | An Expanded View of our Walsh - Fish Heritage Includes nice photos of Alice Fish and William Walsh's home town in England |
 | Another Pioneer Called Home Obituary of Alice Walsh Strong in Millennial Star, August 21, 1924. |
| Alice Fish Walsh Strong 2 page story of her leaving England and traveling with the Martin Handcart Company |
 | Alice Fish Bury Walsh Strong Biography written by Lewis W. Strong, third great grandson to Jacob Strong. |
Notes |
- NAME: According to Jay Strong, a descendant of Alice Fish, the parish register where Alice's birth and christening is noted lists her name as "Alice Fish" with mother "Jane Fish", and no father shown. Alice's mother, Jane Fish, married Edmund Bury 6 years after Alice's birth. There is no evidence that Alice assumed her step-father's name of "Bury." At the time of her marriage to William Walsh, the British Vital Records lists her maiden name as "Alice Fish." The temple worker listed "Berry" (Wilch) as her name on her endowment card as noted in the sources and below. This information was presumably given by Alice. However, she was sealed to William Walsh as "Alice Fish."
Alice gives her father's name as "John Stark Berry" and her mother's name as "Jane" on the date of her sealing for eternity to William Walsh and marriage for time to Jacob Strong in the Endowment House. She was, however, sealed as Alice Fish. The source for this is the Temple Records Index Bureau, Endowment House Records, No. 2911, Book B, pg. 119.
BIRTHDATE: Alice's birthdate is listed as both "11 April 1831" and the "16 April 1831" in the Endowment House Records cited under !NAME. It is presumed this information was given by her and recorded by a temple worker. Family records, however, note her birthdate as 16 April 1829.
SEALING TO PARENTS: According to Harriet Strong Speirs (as noted on a group sheet she prepared for William Walsh and Alice Fish), Alice Strong Egbert, a granddaughter of Alice Fish Bury Walsh through her son, William Jacob Strong, told Harriet that her grandmother, Alice Fish Walsh Strong had her mother, Jane, sealed to Edmund Bury.
ORDINANCES: The family group record prepared by John Anderegg, professional researcher, notes her baptismal date as "3 Nov 1805." This would not be possible as she was not yet born. Proxy ordinances were performed for Alice in the Provo Temple on the following dates: Baptism--10 Oct 1978; Endowment--8 Dec 1978. The source is IGI v5.0, from extracted birth and christening records submitted for temple ordinances. Precise details on the source are listed under "sources" for Alice's birth/christening.
Sources |
- [S17] THE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB STRONG, pp.301-303 (History of Alice Fish Walsh by her grandson, Arlie Campbell).
- [S30] History of Alice Walsh Strong.
- [S33] Professional Research done by John Anderegg.
John Anderegg researched this entire family. The following sources were listed for the family group sheet of Jane Fish (unmarried).
1) FHL #560892: Parish Registers of Wesleyan Methodist Church, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England.
2) Death Certificate of Jane Fish and Marriage Certificate of her daughter, Alice, to William Walsh. Both received by correspondence from Somerset House, London, England.
3) FHL film #560876: Parish Registers of Lower Independent Church, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England.
4)FHL film #560876: Parish Registers of Lower Independent Church, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England.
5) Parish Registers of Blackburn Cathedral, Blackburn, Lancashire; Over Darwen, Lancashire; Accrington, Lancashire; Altham, Lancashire. Received by Correspondence.
6) FHL film #560875: Parish Registers of Pole Lane Independent Church, Over Darwen, Lancashire and Parish Registers of Particular Baptists Church, Islington, Blackburn, Lancashire, England.
7) Cemetery Records of Over Darwen, Lancashire (Church of England); Lower Independent Church, Over Darwen, Lancashire, England; Blackburn Cathedral, Blackburn, Lancashire. All personally searched in England.
8)Computer File Index and Temple Index Bureau.
- [S13] Family Search, IGI v5.0, FHL film. See Comments for details.
Extracted birth or christening record for source listed in record. Source Information: Batch No. C094931, Sheet 00, Dates: 1794-1837; Source Call No.(film): 0560892 (RG4 1057), Item 8, Church records of Wesleyan Church in Darwen, England 1794-1837; Printout Call no. (film): 6904463. Source for birth and christening.
- [S31] Tombstone seen by Sharon P. Jeppsen.
Date of burial not noted on tombstone.
- [S32] Endowment House Records, No. 568, Book "C" Sealing, pg. 92..
- [S153] Temple Records Index Bureau, Endowment House, Book B, No. 2911, pg. 119.
Source for Marriage and Sealing information.
- [S273] Marriage Records.
Blackburn, Lancashire, England Certificate, received from Somerset House, London, England, was in possession of Alice Strong Egbert, a granddaughter of Alice Fish Walsh Strong.
- [S1227] Marriages 1850-1851.
Marriage: 15 Jul 1850 St Mary the Virgin, Blackburn, Lancashire, England
William Walsh - (X), full, Weaver, Bachelor, Over Darwen
Alice Fish - (X), full, Spinster, Over Darwen
Groom's Father: Robert Walsh, Dyer
Witness: John Pilkington; Thomas Pilkington
Married by Banns by: W.J.Monk
Register: Marriages 1850 - 1851, Page 8, Entry 15
Source: LDS Film 1278818
Please see web tag.
- [S111] Family Search, Ancestral File, v. 4.19.